Opening Hours
Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Art Agenda Nova
Batorego 2, Krakow
Karolina Żyniewicz
Karolina Żyniewicz – born 1984, graduate of the Department of Visual Education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, specialization in sculpture.
The condition for touching the skin is trust, the desire to feel under the fingertips of the fingers, the barely visible hair, the search for small dentitions and the journey of a line of hidden bones. The bodies must be touched, patched, pinched, kneaded. Sometimes you have to feel the pain to remember your own mortality.
Contemporary aesthetics of the body turns towards the vision of plastic life, forgetting the truth of veins, muscles, broken skin, bruise on the left knee, erasing discoloration, traveling on the vicious circle of struggle with its own biologicality.
Karolina Żyniewicz’s objects refer to a carnal reality that functions on the margins of consciousness, a momentary game between fascination and disgust. They weaken the sense of security, bring about a sense of consternation, strangeness, and a desire to look away. They act as minor scrubbing, in which red blood, over time, changes into a multi-colored patch spreading around the wound. The body’s unbearable abstinence hovers in the air for a moment, the openness of the skin escapes the symbolism of the naked body. Żyniewicz dumps a thin protective layer of the skin and shows what is living, pulsating, fleshy, what creates the idea of humanity striving for a phantasmatic pattern. This bizarre act of going beyond the safe frame of the skin, paradoxically evokes the need to touch the unknown, check its delicate materiality, tame it by touch, examine its texture, look for the subcutaneous part of itself.
Going deep into the delicate afterimages of the skin, communing with its sensuality implies questions about the possibility of fetishizing small objects, giving them a status creating a desire.
Karolina Żyniewicz’s “Kurioza” attract attention, let us escape from retouched reality, look at it through a hidden, seemingly strange kaleidoscope, but in fact still present.
curator: Marta Kudelska
At the same time, we invite you to watch the installations of the artist “Biologizm konsumpcji” in Klub Fabryka
ul. Zabłocie 23
Individual presentations:
“spielsache” Gallery of the Faculty of Sculpture of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow
“homo ludens” exhibition at the 9th Festival of Science, Technology and Art, Galeria Parter ASP in Łódź, Fabrystrefa Gallery in Łódź
“Wytwórnia osobliwość”, Wytwórnia Club in Łódź
Selected group presentations:
presentation of the works of the students of the Sculpture and Spatial Workshop at the WEW at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw
the exhibition crowning the 5th International Sculpture Park of Students and Pedagogues at the Center of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko, Galeria Parter ASP in Łódź
exhibition closing the scholarship stay as part of the Socrates-Erasmus program, University of Warsaw gallery Cyril and Methodius, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
exhibition at the 7th Festival of Science, Technology and Art, Lodz Philharmonic A.Rubinsteina
presentation of the works constituting the answer to the subject of “Table”, Galeria Parter ASP in Łódź
“Object in space” presentation of the studio, Medium ASP Gallery in Bratislava