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Opening Hours

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm


Art Agenda Nova
Batorego 2, Krakow

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Jarek Jeschke
Agnieszka Hałas


opening: January 18, 2013
6:00 PM

exhibition until: February 15, 2013

Eye on Fidel
The hut in Cienfuegos is weird. High ceilings, lots of rooms, old furniture, in the middle of a patio building with plants. A child could be sitting on a small rocking chair and a midget jump out from behind the corner. It’s scary to think what the rooms are, which are not available to us. And to come in, why not, for example, we must not go to the kitchen. The house is run by two old sisters. A middle-aged, skinny lady sneaks a little. Looks from a distance, then quickly looks at the floor and returns to sweeping. A portrait of Che Guevara hangs over the desk, and a large Fidel poster over the TV. What to hide – the guy has charisma. Even the match can not be seen. Rooney on the ball, and the eyes run higher. And you look like you are enchanted at the uniform at the rostrum. On the wall in the living room (echo, not much proletarian room) is a diploma from the Party, and in the other frame the proof of the award of Titulo de Maestro Normal. You better not wonder what it means.
The first night is ahead of us

13/07/2012 Baracoa
Since we arrived, every Cuban told us – eat to Baracoa, the most beautiful place in Cuba, the best resort, – just do not forget about Baracoa. Well, we are. Cubans call it a resort, because it is probably the only beach that they can use, others are just for tourists. This one probably only survived because the sand is dark gray. Fidel made a simple division: white beaches for white people, black for black people.
The town itself is located on a very pretty bay, which is surrounded by mountains covered with palm trees. The view makes an impression.
The impression is also made by the whole crap that flows from the city to the sea. A dozen or so meters of rubbish, shit and other dirt float. The Cubans do not bother, they swim in it the best. The sea is throwing, this shit on the beaches. Cubans are lying in this whole family, eating ice cream, pizzas and other delicacies. As befits a resort. On the beach chickens are grazed (if hens are grazed) and pigs, choosing tastier morsels from the trash.
Excerpts from the travel journal www.wypalanietraw.blox.pl

Our stay in Cuba lasted two months (June July). During this time we managed to travel around almost the entire island. We went there to see how art works in a totalitarian system, how artists manage in this system, in the end what the life of ordinary people in the commune looks like. Why this topic and why Cuba? We are 77 and 80 years old, our childhood has fallen in the last years of communism. Communism is something that has shaped us in a certain way. The trip to Cuba resulted from the desire to know, understand and experience communism. And Cuba? Cuba is a magical place, in a way fabulous …

The project was implemented as part of the scholarship of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage „Young Poland”.

At the same time, the exhibition of Jarek Jeschke, Hamlet Lavastid and Jose Eduard Yaque Llorente at the Zachęta National Gallery of Art continues.