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Opening Hours

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm


Art Agenda Nova
Batorego 2, Krakow

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Adam Gruba


We invite you to an individual exhibition of Adam Gruba entitled 'GOLEM: The Self-sufficient Workshop

09/02/2012 (Thursday)
exhibition until 26/02/2011
curator: Marta Kudelska

What is expressed in the Golem affects existence in the most real form – whether in a random situation or in the matter of fauna and flora. It can also be said that it applies to all that is, but it is not expressed in the power of a symbolic language. It is everything that appears on the border between communication and molded matter. However, the Golem philosophy does not speak about the world in the category of generality. Nor does he talk about it as existing particulars, omitting the transience of phenomena and impressions.
The experience of performance art closed as part of the exhibition can be confused with a fragment, a fraction of the story. What is the most important is only a moment. As a result, the part remains an arbitrary element, devoid of natural structures. „GOLEM: The Self-sufficient Workshop” by Adam Gruba becomes through this field of negotiation between the artist and the institution, space and subject.
In his actions, the artist goes beyond the linguistic character of describing reality. He seeks to capture existence, collide it with the constant construction of himself as the medium of the story, thus becoming the beginning of a narrative created not by words but by interaction and searching for meanings in the fragments of fragments.
Marta Kudelska

* Adam Gruba (born 1988) * – deals with the broadly understood art of intermedia
using in its actions elements of performance, video, object,
text. Uses performance as a way to combine everything with
all based on constantly created – new versions of philosophy
– matching it according to your own rules to the way you represent areas
between the image and reason. Uses the limitation of image aesthetics on
the cost of his intellectual dimension, which is the greatest for him
importance in showing work in the process. His actions show a thin one
the boundary between art and life, creation and reality.
Breaking conventions, he tries to use them against himself by checking
is it possible. He realized his ideas and ideas, performance and
video among others in Poland, Germany, USA, Israel, Spain,
Australia and Hungary. He is currently studying Intermedia at the Academy of Arts
Beautiful in Krakow.

Selected exhibitions:

– Exist-ence: Festival of live art, performance art and action art 13 –
16 October, Brisbane Powerhouse, Australia

– Global Communication Festival in Radom

– 'Chamalle X’ Performance Festival, Pontevedra, Spain

– International Performance Festival „Interactions
2009 „, Piotrków Trybunalski

– „Particio”, Center of Contemporary Art MODEM,
Debrecen, Hungary