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Opening Hours

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm


Art Agenda Nova
Batorego 2, Krakow

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Performance: 12-15.11, gallery area 10: 00-17: 00
Vernissage of the exhibition: 16.11. 2013 (Saturday), at 18:00
The exhibition is open until: 06/12. 2013
coordinator: Iga Urbańska

On Tuesday, November 12th, at the Art Agenda Nova gallery, ul. Batorego 2 in Krakow will start an atypical exhibition. Every day from November 12, Forin will face the fronts of the albums he designed the covers for. Everyone interested will be able to come and do it with him or watch as he works. He will work in the gallery from 10 am to 5 pm and the whole process will be registered by the camera. One day is one cover in the form of an image on canvas 150 x 150 cm.
As he says about the exhibition: „My re-encounter with these covers will be like a mantra for me. I always talk with the artist about his album, I try to find a common language. Understanding him. It’s like a conversation between a person portrayed and a portraitist. I treat CD covers as a small artistic form. I always want them to be the answer, be my subjective commentary on a given album, music, title. They are a dialogue between me and the viewers. I try to make a part of a given disc, like any song presented on it. ”

During the vernissage you will be able to see finished paintings and multimedia materials that complement the whole project.
O.S.T.R. „Jazz Dwa Trzy”, Pezet production Sidney Polak „Radio Pezet”, Lovelot „Epilogue”
That’s not all: during the vernissage the premiere will be the fourth image – illustration for the album Sokół and Marysia Starosta „Black White Magic”
Only during him and during the exhibition will you be able to hear the single Fri. „Faded Thoughts” from the upcoming album mentioned above.


Forin – Grzegorz Piwnicki (born in Warsaw), a graphic artist who lives and works in Warsaw. He experiments with various media. He creates installations, social projects. He’s been actively involved in graffiti under the pseudonym Forin since 1996. A graduate of the Graphic Department of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts (diploma with rector’s distinction in the studio of Prof. Lech Majewski 2011).
During the vernissage you will be able to try Barefoot wines.
BAREFOOT wine & bubbly