The grand opening of the gallery

2002-12-21 – 2003-03-06
December 20, 2002
Nova Gallery, 22 Józefa street (entrance from Nowa street)

Nova in Krakow’s Kazimierz
Joanna Zawierucha

Another contemporary art gallery called Nova has been officially opened in Krakow.

Another contemporary art gallery called Nova has been officially opened in Krakow. Its premises are located in the heart of Kazimierz, at 22 Jozefa Street (entrance from Nowa Street), a district called the modern Krakow’s Montmartre, where the social and cultural life of the old town has been pulsating for a long time.

Undoubtedly contributed to this „Alchemy” – an artistic cafe called by many a „magic place in Krakow’s Kazimierz”, or located near the Square of the New Center for Jewish Culture, and many other places, gathering people from the artistic circles of the city as a magnet attracting contemporary marszands who They are interested in their creativity.

One of them is the owner of Nova, Małgorzata Gołębiewska (an art historian whose professional experience is supported by a few years’ experience at the Starmach Gallery), who together with her husband Marcin invited artists from the young generation to collaborate. They include the members of the Ładnie Group, creators associated with the Open Workshop, and people taking part in the Young Art Festival Novart or involved in the project „Art Supermarket”.

Nova functions as a private and commercial gallery, and has a clearly defined two-segment profile. On the one hand, it deals with the promotion and sale of the works of representatives of the art of the younger generation, on the other hand it acts as the so-called art consulting. He also proposes the presentation and sale of works of art that are already included in the classics of Polish painting, mainly related to the Krakow Group (Tadeusz Kantor, Jerzy Nowosielski, Jerzy Skarżyński, Erna Rosenstein, Marian Warzecha, Teresa Rudowicz).

The offer of the Nova Gallery includes the works of artists who have already become a part of the Polish artistic landscape, as well as graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts, who are just beginning their creative career. We will see works by Bettina Bereś, Magdalena Bielesz, Anita Cypryańska, Edward Dwurnik, Marek Firek, Joanna Karpowicz, Magdalena Kazimierska, Agnieszka Kicińska, Robert Maciejuk, Agnieszka Niziurska, Joanna Pawlik, Igor Przybylski, Jadwiga Sawicka and Katarzyna Skrobiszewska (laureate of the Polish Association award) Artists of the Artists), Ireneusz Szandała, Olga Wolniak and Jacek Ziemiński.

The artists gathered around the Nova gallery reach for the symbols of contemporary mass, material and artistic culture. Despite their different views on reality, they share one common interest: the desire to create a realistic art, readable by the average recipient and at the same time visually attractive. With the hope of marking their separateness, they document – each in their own way – authentic events from everyday life. Each of them creates their own, separate vision of the world, and formulates their individual language of painting description. It is worth mentioning that most of them already took part in the first edition of the „Painting of the Year” competition, organized by our monthly.

Galeria Nova wants to convince the mass audience that contemporary art does not have to be hermetic and incomprehensible in reception. It is worth visiting because it reveals the beauty of the most trivial objects and situations taken out of our everyday life. Will the gallery owners manage to initiate a discourse on the subject of art embedded in the context of modernity? Let’s hope so.
Opening of a new gallery in Krakow – NOVA GALLERY
Jolanta Gumula

Krakowski Kazimierz, called by local residents Monmartr, became rich with another gallery. On Friday evening, December 20 at 18.00 at ul. Józefa 22 there was a vernissage preceding the official opening of the NOVA gallery.

This private commercial facility will be focused on the presentation, promotion and sale of young art. It will be there to see the most interesting phenomena – art referring to contemporary reality, if not directly commenting on it, drawing from mass culture, but it is connected with the human being, the object and the world around us. Formally, it refers to realism. However, this is not realism „Courbetowski” – 19th-century, but based on the American avant-garde of the turn of the 60s and 70s of the XX century – on hyperrealism, also called photo- or pop-realism.

The authors of the presented works, which are only a part of the NOVEJ collection, are young people, recent graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts. There are also those of an already established position, supported by the participation in the Novart Festival of Young Art and the „Art Supermarket” project. For now, you can see images of Ireneusz Szandała, Agnieszka Kicińska, Joanna Pawlik, Joanna Karpowicz, Robert Maciejuk, Marek Firek, Magdalena Bielesz and Bettina Bereś. Their art refers to the tradition of pop-realism, using the hidden beauty of the most banal objects. There is no judgment in reality, rather the everyday reality is documented indifferently: the interiors of cars, bars, shop windows, streets, people, and even knickers of mass culture.

The cut-out of the frame, as if intentionally framing, uses the gains of photography. The interest was aroused by the painting of Ireneusz Szandała „Heads”. The author himself commented on his work: „In modern society, short hair is associated with subordination, discipline, belonging and devotion – like monks, soldiers or prisoners. Long hair is a symbol of freedom and involuntaryness. Is it a coincidence or a kind of a joke of nature, that at the moment of full maturity in men, the baldness process is often carried out in many ways. I document it. ”

NOVA also cooperates with middle-aged artists from the circle of figurations whose mature creative attitude could be the starting point for current phenomena in Polish art. Soon, the collection of the gallery will include paintings by Edward Dwurnik. We will also find interesting examples of abstract art, and in the near future, works on paper by artists from the Krakow Group: Tadeusz Kantor, Jerzy Nowosielski, Jerzy Skarżński, Erna Rosenstein, Marian Warzecha, Teresa Rudowicz. The latter will be included in the gallery offer also acting as an art consulting company.

The official activity of NOVA will start on January 7, 2003. In addition to the well-known Krakow galleries, Starmach and Zderzak will be another, presenting and promoting young art.