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Opening Hours

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm


Art Agenda Nova
Batorego 2, Krakow

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Mikołaj Rejs


curator: Katarzyna Piekło
coordinator: Monika Zielińska

Noumen is an exhibition inspired by the existence of the smallest creatures on Earth, invisible to the naked eye. It is the basis for creating a set of analyzes, examined with the help of the author’s experiences and insights, some of which even reach back to childhood.

The title of the exhibition refers to the concept introduced into philosophy by Immanuel Kant, meaning the thing itself, that is, the reality existing independently of consciousness, which is unknowable and can not become something material. What is noticeable without additional resources often consists of many „invisible” elements that we do not think about. We are aware of their existence, but without the help of modern technologies, we are unable to observe them directly. The author of the exhibition, in his deliberations, faces the attempt to capture what is fleeting and to show what is seemingly invisible and impossible to see. The secrets of the existence of beings, the search for answers to questions, worlds enclosed in separate systems, make us reflect and pay attention to things that are not visible on a daily basis.

The mysterious atmosphere, mood and unusual arrangement of the exposition slowly introduce into the world, which is specifically understood by the artist. Traveling through the systems, observing the presented reality, we have the opportunity to see the invisible. Among the various objects we can also find analogies to fairy-tale creatures characteristic of the artist’s previous work. The exhibition in no way illustrates scientific conclusions and theories. It is a free collection of inquiries arranged in a fabulously simple and understandable way.

Mikołaj Rejs – deals with photography, and from the late 90’s also street art. His works are usually created in post-industrial spaces. Participant of numerous graffiti and street art events (including Meetings of Styles, Lublin 2011 and 2012, Street Art Festival, Katowice 2011, Lublin Graffiti Festival, Lublin 2010, Outline Color Festival, Łódź 2009, Brain Damage, Warsaw 2003). Co-founder of artistic and educational projects (Day with art, MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow 2012, Polish-Ukrainian-Moldovan Artdrome project, Lugansk 2012, Between the Wall, Legnica 2012, Roads to freedom, MOCAK 2011). His small-format works and photographs were shown at numerous group exhibitions.